Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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We currently live in an extremely connected world, where information is available to everyone at any time through a simple touch on a smartphone screen. In this scenario, knowing how to communicate has become something essential for companies and professionals to be able to stand out in the market and achieve success. The advertising course aims to train proactive professionals, with the ability to analyze the facts beyond the obvious and seek creative solutions to communication and marketing problems.

Over the 4 years of the course, the advertising student will have contact with several disciplines that will develop their skills to: understand consumer behavior and the best methods to persuade them; understand how to differentiate and build a strong brand through communication; develop advertising campaigns; produce commercials and radio spots; create, structure and promote events; advise public bodies and companies so that people know their work; develop communication actions in the digital environment; manage marketing and sales departments; know about the possibilities to undertake; develop graphic pieces; among other possibilities.

Therefore, the possibilities of action of a communication professional, more specifically the advertising professional, is quite varied, being able to work in several areas thanks to the multidisciplinary and comprehensive training provided by the course.


There is currently a trend towards the extension of professions linked to the provision of services, the advertising course was among the five higher education careers with the greatest expansion of vacancies in Brazil*.

The advertiser is trained as a communication professional, for him/her, several possibilities of insertion in the job market open up, such as:

  • Advertising agencies (may work as a creative, service or media professional)

  • communication departments

  • Media – Newspaper, magazines, television and radio

  • marketing departments

  • Photography

  • Event promoter

  • sales departments

  • Publishers and Graphic Service Providers

  • Film and video producers

  • Modeling Agencies and Actors

  • Communication consultancy - public and private

  • audio production

  • Communication and marketing consultancy

  • research institute

  • Manufacturers of packaging, knits, fabrics, gifts

It is also worth highlighting the possibility of self-employment acting as a consultant, freelancer or entrepreneur of your own business.

* http://veja.abril.com.br/noticia/educacao/as-10-carreiras-que-mais-registraram-a-criacao-de-empregos-no-brasil


Course Authorization and Recognition


RECOGNIZED by MEC Ordinance No. 188 of 10/01/2012, PUBLISHED  in the DOU of 10/03/2012.

RENEWAL OF RECOGNITION: Ordinance No. 705 of 12/18/2013,  PUBLISHED in the DOU of 12/19/2013.

Title:  bachelor degree
Area of knowledge: Social Sciences
Duration:  Four years
Vacancies:  100
Workload:  2,660 hours
Time course:  night

Curricular structure








Coordinator Data

Patricia dos Santos Madeira

In the national and world socio-political context, the professional must have a global and pluralistic vision, arising from a multidisciplinary training of skills: Technical, Human and Political, around the functions of the profession of social communicator specialized in communication of an advertising character.

Graduates from the Social Communication course with specialization in advertising and advertising must be characterized by the acceptance of new paradigms that contemplate other dimensions of the process of insertion into the social reality, seeking to enhance the training of a generalist and multipurpose professional.

This new professional is required to be capable of diagnosis, problem solving, intervention in the work process, teamwork, self-organization and coping with situations that imply constant changes, maintaining the fundamental commitment to professional ethics and the social function of Communication.

Access the course's social network

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