Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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The objectives of the FVC Psychology course were chosen based on the guiding principles mentioned in the official national (DCN, 2004) and institutional (PPI) documents; these are related to the training of professionals able to:


  • Working in different contexts of Psychology, demonstrating skills and abilities in the domain of psychological concepts, methods and techniques, from a critical, humanistic, ethically responsible and committed attitude to improving the quality of life of the human person and society;

  • Build and validate scientific knowledge based on established practical theoretical frameworks and professional practice itself;

  • Working in multidisciplinary teams, in a competent, coherent and pertinent way with their own area of knowledge and with the team's goals. In addition, respecting and understanding the area of expertise of other professionals, assuming a leadership position with commitment, responsibility, empathy, effective communication and proactive attitudes, aiming at the well-being of individuals, groups and the community and the integrity of the health care;

  • Develop actions for prevention, promotion, protection and rehabilitation of health, both at an individual and collective level;

  • Make decisions regarding necessary and appropriate interventions, based on scientific, cultural, economic and social evidence, creatively using the skills and abilities acquired during training in problem solving;

  • Establish professional relationships and with peers, guided by ethical principles of confidentiality, privacy, secrecy and favoring the sharing of information.


O curso tem duração de 5 anos e oferece possibilidade de ampliação no processo de formação do aluno, além de alargar as oportunidades do mercado de trabalho. Possui duas ênfases curriculares abrangentes– Psicologia Social e Processos Psicossociais; Psicologia e Processos de Saúde.

A matriz curricular do curso, possui com 4 Estágios Curriculares Básicos e 2 Estágios Curriculares Específicos com diversos campos de atuação, iniciados a partir do terceiro ano do curso. Além das disciplinas com carga horária prática que começam no primeiro ano do curso, tornando a formação enriquecida de experiências e vivências que fortalecem a atuação profissional.


In the national, regional and local socio-political context, the professional must have a global and pluralist vision, arising from a multidisciplinary training of Technical, Human and Political skills, around the functions of the Psychologist profession.
The egress student must have a solid education, having as a basic premise the formation of a professional with technical-scientific, ethical and political skills, capable of providing a critical evaluation of the field in which they are inserted and intervene.

The FVC Psychology Course project aims to develop the skills expected of professional psychologists, respecting the area's Code of Ethics and paying attention to the articulation of professional activities with social reality.
At the end of the course, the graduate of the Psychology course at FVC will be able to exercise any professional activities inherent to acting in Psychology, such as:


  • Mastering the conceptual, methodological and technical knowledge of Psychology as a field of knowledge and action;

  • Interact with other professionals, bearing in mind the interfaces of Psychology with other fields of human knowledge;

  • Diagnose preventive and therapeutic intervention needs, planning, executing and evaluating actions and procedures in different clinical, health, educational, organizational and social contexts

  • Carry out psychosocial intervention in health care;

  • Effective reception, care and psychological support for people with psychological difficulties;

  • Carry out institutional intervention in the field of public policies (health, education, social assistance);

  • Professional and human relations guidance;

  • Provide advisory services;

In this sense, this Psychology course will train a Psychologist who will be able to work in various contexts of professional practice, focused on the commitment of activities consistent with today's social demands, seeking to develop actions for the prevention, promotion, protection and rehabilitation of health psychological and social, both in the individual and collective spheres, public and private.


Course Authorization:  AUTHORIZED by MEC Ordinance No. 1.253 of 12/07/2017, PUBLISHED  in the DOU of 12/11/2017.

Title:  bachelor degree
Knowledge area:  human sciences
Duration:  5 years
Vacancies:  100
Workload:  4370 hours
Time course:  Night, with practical activities during the day; Morning.

Curricular structure


Curso de alta qualidade, com professores reconhecidos no mercado;

Clínica-escola onde o aluno coloca em prática seus conhecimentos;

Disciplinas com carga horária prática;

Infraestrutura dos laboratórios de práticas de saúde;

Convênio com diversos campos de estágio na região.

Coordinator Data

Paulo Alberto Ferri

Access the course's social networks

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