Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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The Production Engineering Course at FVC - Faculdade Vale do Cricaré seeks to consolidate a technical and scientific base that enables students to develop the learning process that enables the interpretation, understanding, assimilation and individual and collective internalization of the needs of organizations and the essential changes to these and to the technical and socioeconomic context, enabling them to implement and adapt the necessary changes. The institutional commitment resides in monitoring the student, ensuring that he/she understands and understands the premises of multipurpose training, through the investigation of individual and collective potential and guidance for learning.


The Production Engineering Course aims to train professionals who have the differential that the market needs and has the following general objectives:

  • Clarify the main and technological fundamentals of the course;

  • Prepare the student for the job market;

  • Contribute so that graduates are adequately prepared to enter the practice of the profession;

  • Encourage, in the student, the courage to seek knowledge and challenges in the area of Production Engineering;

  • Develop the student's ability to create and improve production processes;

  • Show the student the need to improve knowledge in the area in question, even after graduation so that he never settles down with respect to learning;

  • Train a generalist professional that meets the needs of the regional and national labor market;

  • Provide the graduate with the competence to work in complex industrial systems.


FVC – Faculdade Vale do Cricaré believes that a good academic background, combined with a strong approximation with the labor market, are fundamental for the training of professionals that Brazil needs for the coming years. The faculty's pedagogical model ensures that graduated professionals not only have an academic base, but also develop other technical, managerial and behavioral skills necessary for success in the market. The Production Engineering course student can:


Technical Profile:  Good oral and written expression skills; uses quantitative and logical reasoning in professional activity; uses a critical view and analytical view in professional activity; has a broad domain of concepts and analytical tools of economics – macroeconomics and microeconomics, and understands their application in the dynamics of the business environment, locally, nationally and globally; he has a humanistic, ethical and cosmopolitan background that allows him to understand the context of the globalized economy and provides him with a good relationship with people, companies, cultures and different economic practices; is an expert in his field of training.

Management Profile:  Knows how to align and lead teams to defined goals; Think strategically and have a global vision of the company's operation; Knows how to manage teams and projects; Knows how to present and negotiate projects effectively; Knows how to work in cross-functional teams; Knows how to plan, organize, implement and control projects with a focus on results; Has analytical capacity, identifying problems, planning and forwarding solutions; Knows how to represent a company on social occasions; Know how to identify, know and respect the code of conduct of an organization.

Behavioral Profile: is an entrepreneur; knows in depth the principles of personal and corporate ethics; It is committed, meets deadlines and always seeks to achieve results; It has balance and seeks results even in adverse situations; Knows how to work with people and build professional relationships; Recognizes and lives constructively with cultural diversity; Accepts new challenges, new ways of working and accepts to change position – when convinced.

Specific Profile:  The mission of the Production Engineering course at FVC - Faculdade Vale do Cricaré is to train a professional with a high technical and managerial level who can thus identify and solve problems related to project activities, operation and management of work and production systems for goods and/or services, considering their human, economic, social and environmental aspects, with an ethical and humanistic vision, in meeting the demands of society.

It is necessary that the graduate has skills to successfully overcome the professional demands set out by the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering - ABEPRO and:

Be able to scale and integrate physical, human and financial resources in order to produce, efficiently and at the lowest cost, considering the possibility of continuous improvements; be able to use mathematical and statistical tools to model production systems and assist in decision making; be able to design, implement and improve systems, products and processes, taking into account the limits and characteristics of the communities involved; be able to predict and analyze demands, select technologies and know-how, design products or improve their features and functionality; be able to incorporate quality concepts and techniques throughout the production system, both in its technological and organizational aspects, improving products and processes, and producing control and auditing standards and procedures; be able to predict the evolution of production scenarios, realizing the interaction between organizations and its impacts on competitiveness; being able to keep up with technological advances, organizing them and placing them at the service of the demand of companies and society; be able to understand the interrelationship of production systems with the environment, both with regard to the use of scarce resources and the final disposal of residues and rejects, paying attention to the requirement for sustainability; be able to use performance indicators, costing systems, as well as assess the economic and financial feasibility of projects; be able to manage and optimize the information flow in companies using appropriate technologies. 


Course Authorization:  AUTHORIZED  by MEC Ordinance No. 209 of 03/27/2014,

published in the DOU of 23/03/2014

Title:  Production engineering

Knowledge area:  exact Sciences

Duration:  5 years - 10 semesters

Workload:   3720 hours

Time course:  night

Curricular structure

Coordinator Data

Giovane Lopes Ferri

Graduated in Production Engineering, Master in Energy from the Federal University of Espírito Santo, working mainly on the following topics: location of facilities, urban solid waste, reverse logistics and supply chain.

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