Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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Local and regional demands for the Civil Engineering Course involve the need to train qualified professionals to work in the labor market, in the various segments that involve economic activities and the geopolitical position of São Mateus and region. In this sense, FVC seeks to differentiate itself from other HEIs in the region, through pedagogical actions that optimize the quality of training for students.

The Civil Engineering Course at FVC seeks to consolidate a technical-scientific base that enables students to develop the learning process that enables the interpretation, understanding, assimilation and individual and collective internalization of the needs of organizations and the changes that are essential to these and the technical and socioeconomic context, enabling them to implement and adapt the necessary changes.


Thus, the general objectives are:

a) Clarify the main and technological fundamentals of the course;

b) Prepare the student for the job market;

c) Contribute so that graduates are adequately prepared to enter the practice of the profession;

d) Encourage, in the student, the courage to seek knowledge and challenges in the area of Civil Engineering;

e) Show the student the need to improve knowledge in the area in question, even after graduation so that he never settles down with respect to learning;

f) Train a generalist professional who meets the needs of the regional and national labor market;

g) Provide the graduate with the competence to work in complex industrial systems.


And the specific goals are:

a) Develop, execute and manage projects and systems in the area of Civil Engineering in infrastructure sectors, in civil engineering companies, construction incorporation and civil works management;

b) Integrate and act in multidisciplinary teams in the preparation, execution and administration of projects in various infrastructure sectors such as housing, sanitation, transport, energy, oil and gas;

c) Identify and critically analyze the influences of technical decisions in designing projects in the environment, evaluating issues related to possible environmental impacts;

d) Develop the ability to create and improve systems and methods aimed at meeting the needs of people and society, ensuring competence and skill in professional practice;

e) Develop the ability to work in groups to solve problems, encompassing technical, economic, political, social, ethical and environmental aspects.

f) To carry out technological and scientific researches with a view to the evolution of knowledge and the development of new technologies in the area of Civil Engineering with regard to the development of: new materials, new computational tools, field investigation methods and management processes; Engineering, consulting and other bodies, public or private;

g) To train creative professionals, innovators, leaders, entrepreneurs and with a vision of the future;

h) To prepare professionals capable of contributing to the development of new models that can be used by the profession;

i) Train professionals with solid humanistic training and aware of their social role.

j) Train a global and pluralistic professional with multidisciplinary training.


Source: FVC Civil Engineering Course PPC

Civil Engineers, for reasons of their technical-scientific training, will be able to show, in their performance, an analytical, critical and interdisciplinary profile, both in scientific and technological, administrative, social and environmental perspectives. It must show that it is able to quickly interpret reality and interfere in it, in order to solve everyday problems in a planned way with the help, whenever possible, of technology. You will be able to assess the real impact of your profession on any scale of activity and continuously seek to update and improve it, developing strategies for your contribution to the development of society at a general level.

According to the National Council of Education (CNE) and the Chamber of Higher Education (CES) in their Resolution No. 02 of April 24, 2019, and within the perspective of training in Civil Engineering at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré, the concern is noted. of, in addition to training professionals, above all training citizens. The approach of social and environmental sciences, Afro-Brazilian culture, ethnic-racial education, and all others that make up the optimization of the molding of a professional capable of showing excellence in any area, is also justified. Considering the objectives and profile of the Civil Engineering course offered by the FVC (Generalist and Specialist), the graduate, in whatever engineering area he/she comes to work in, must develop the following general skills and abilities for the exercise of their professional activities:


I - Apply traditional knowledge of mathematics, chemistry and physical sciences, combined with modern techniques and tools, for the performance of professional tasks in Civil Engineering;

II - Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret results;

III - Design systems, components and processes that constitute them, as well as other activities relevant to their profession;

IV - Acting in multidisciplinary teams;

V - Diagnose and provide solutions to engineering problems;

VI - Understand ethics and professional responsibility;

VII - Communicate effectively in its various forms;

VIII - Understand the impact of engineering solutions on socioeconomic and environmental contexts;

XIV - Engage in the ongoing learning process


Source: FVC Civil Engineering Course PPC

Course Authorization:  Authorization Ordinance - MEC No. 130 of May 5, 2020 published in the official gazette of the union May 6, 2020

Title:  civil Engineering

Knowledge area:  exact Sciences

Duration:  5 years - 10 semesters

Workload:   3720 hours

Time course:  night

Curricular structure




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