Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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The Faculdade Vale do Cricaré aims, with its Law Course, with an emphasis on business relations, to train professionals, trained and committed to the development of the region where it operates, in order to adequately meet the needs of the market.


The Faculty Vale do Cricaré's Legal Practices Center has existed since the creation of the Law course and was reformed in 2018 to better serve the entire population of the city of São Mateus and other surrounding regions. The activities of the NPJ aim to align the practical and theoretical aspects of teaching, especially with regard to research and extension of legal activities. The activities developed collaborate with the student's critical, personal and intellectual development, qualifying him for the market.


Are developed in the NPJ of Faculdade Vale do Cricaré:

1.  Real practice activities, through the provision of legal services and legal guidance to the needy population - including those who have a family income equal to or less than 04 (four) minimum wages, for the preparation of procedural documents and monitoring of processes in the following areas:

A) Family

B) Consumer

C) Social Security

D) Labor up to 10 minimum wages

two.  Activities related to extrajudicial forms of conflict resolution,  through conciliation and mediation.

3.  Partnership with the Psychology course in developing projects and serving the population.

4.  Consultative services in partnership with the Accounting and Administration Courses  at the FVC Management and Business Practice Center

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday

9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm

Coordination Information:

Daniel Salume Silva (Coordinator)

Email:  npj@ivc.br

Telephone:  (27) 3313-0000

NPJ Regulation -  Click here


The College of Law Course at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré has two online magazines, both registered in the  International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).

The Logic of Law  a periodical scientific journal, specialized in the publication of research in the fields of legal sciences. Created to serve as a reference for Academics and Professionals in the areas: Legal, Social and Human. THE  The Logic of Law Magazine  was conceived and inaugurated by  Prof. PhD candidate Anderson Ramires Pestana in 2013. At the end of 2018, Prof.  Master's student Daniel Salume Silva took over the editorial and, in partnership with the Academic Center of Faculdade Vale do Cricaré, started to promote scientific production in a more intensified way.

​ The Scientific Articles published here are mainly selected from among the articles produced by professors and academics from various educational institutions, serving as a reference for researchers from Brazil and the world.

The journal A Lógica do Direito aims to:

1 – Foster legal research and scientific and academic production;

2 – Develop the intellectual growth of our readers;

3 – Enable the multiplication of ideas, partnerships and scientific exchange;

4 – Create and maintain a serious, ethical and trustworthy communication channel.

Furthermore, through the Online Forum of the A Lógica do Direito magazine website, we promote debates and interactions with collegiate students.  link: 


The magazine Direito & Justiça was created with a view to  production  academic exclusive of the professors and counts with articles of the professors of the IES staff and invited professors.  To access  Click here


The graduate of the law school will work in business consultancy internally, dialoguing and interacting with other professionals, such as administrator, accountant, economists, etc. inserted in the decision-making process of the company. Externally, the professional must understand the interests of the company before the private company or before public bodies. This graduate combines with the technical and positive knowledge of the business emphasis to the political, philosophical, historical and ideological contents of constitutionalism and theories of justice, having as its central point the dignity of the human person and its essential elements, which the it also qualifies for acting in private careers of the bachelor of law when observing the course's curricular structure.

The graduate must be aware of the specificities of the society in which they live and its dynamics, combined with a professional ethical sense and social responsibility.


The use of extrajudicial expedients for the resolution of conflicts is included in the framework of a universal movement of access to justice, which brings together practically the unanimity of jurists attentive to the fundamental issue of making the complexity of modern life compatible with the traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution .


Among the so-called alternative methods of conflict resolution, arbitration stands out. Brazil, with Law 9,307, of September 23, 1996, created conditions for the effective use of arbitration, which, prior to this legal diploma, little resorted to due to the institute's lack of tradition in light of the rules of the Code of Civil Procedure then applicable and the jurisdictional culture of the country.

Arbitration converges with fundamental principles of Brazilian Constitutional Law. The Federal Constitution, which enshrines as a fundamental norm the peaceful solution of conflicts in international matters (art. 4, VII) and makes social solidarity a fundamental objective of the Republic (art. 3, I), and implicitly encourages use of alternative methods of conflict resolution.

In order for arbitration to be used properly, it is in the best interest of having a mediation chamber linked to an institution whose social performance has ensured the respect and trust of the community in which it operates.

In this sense, the Faculdade Vale do Cricaré, within its main purpose of collaborating in the solution of basic problems of economic development and social well-being, decided to add to the services provided by it the creation, as an integral part of its organizational structure, of an Arbitration Chamber, which will rely on the wealth of knowledge and experience accumulated by FVC over its years of existence.

Arbitration Chamber Regulation – Click Here


Ordinance No. 02 of 2019

Ordinance No. 03 of 2019

Ordinance No. 04 of 2019

Ordinance No. 05 of 2019


Course Authorization and Recognition


Recognized by MEC Ordinance No. 414 of 06/05/2008,  Published in the DOU of 06/06/2008.

Renewal of recognition of the Law Course through MEC Ordinance No. 100, of 04/09/2020. Published in the DOU, No. 70 of 04/13/2020, section 1, p. 27.

Title: Bachelor's Degree
Area of knowledge: Social Sciences
Duration: 5 years
Vacancies: 100
Hours: 3,820 hours
Period: Morning/Night

Curricular structure


NPJ Regulation


Standards Guide


Complementary activities book







WhatsApp Image 2022-02-24 at 08.27.22.jpeg

Coordinator Data

Samuel Davi Garcia Mendonça

Graduated in Law and Theology Specialized in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law; Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law and; Environmental education. Masters in Law, State and Citizenship and in Social Management, Education and Regional Development. TJES Judicial Analyst and Licensed Lawyer

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