Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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Course "FROM THE INICIAL PETITION TO THE PERMIT" with teachers Marcello Maciel Mancilha , Daniel Salume Silva and Vitor Borges Silva . The course will be taught on a 100% (one hundred percent) online platform and will have a 36 hour/class certification.

In addition, the student will receive super updated support material with news and jurisprudence from the TST and from the most diverse Regional Labor Courts.

Investment: 12 installments of R$ 61.83 (sixty-one and eighty-three).

Buying now: Up to 15% (fifteen percent) discount for payment in cash on the bank slip or in 2 installments on the credit.

Interested? Fill out the pre-registration form below and we will get back to you shortly.



Marcello Maciel Mancilha graduated in Law from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and worked as a lawyer for four years in the labor, constitutional and social security areas. He joined the magistracy as a substitute labor judge at the Regional Labor Court of the 17th Region (ES) in 1992. Two years later, he was promoted to head judge of the Labor Court of Mimoso do Sul. Victory Work. He took office as judge in 2012 and chaired the TRT in the 2013-2015 biennium. He is an undergraduate and graduate professor at the Faculty of Law of Vitória (FDV) in the area of Labor Law. He has also taught at the Vila Velha University Center (UVV) and at Faculdade Santa Úrsula. Mancilha was already part of the triple list for the vacancy of minister in the Superior Labor Court.

Daniel Salume Silva graduated in Law from Faculdades Integradas Nacional, Specialist in Material and Procedural Labor Law and  holds an MBA in Controlling and Finance from FUCAPE Business School. He has been working as a labor lawyer since 2012 and as a university professor at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré  since 2014. He was director of the Escola Superior da Advocacia at OAB/ES. Salume has extensive professional experience and has dealt with labor claims of the most diverse legal complexities.

Vitor Borges Silva graduated in Law from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Served as Procedural Analyst at the Regional Labor Court of the 17th region and currently  as Attorney of the Public Ministry of Labor in Espírito Santo. He is a visiting professor of preparatory courses for competitions.


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