Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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Provide a humanist, critical, reflective and generalist training for the pharmacist, as well as be guided by a national and international reference concept, of a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy.


I – contemplate curricular components, which integrate theoretical and practical knowledge in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary way;

II – adopt a curricular planning that contemplates health priorities, considering the national, regional and local contexts in which the course is inserted;

III – seek scenarios of diversified practices, inserted in the community and in the healthcare networks, public and/or private, characterized by interprofessional and collaborative work;

IV – assume training strategies, centered on student learning, with the teacher as a mediator and facilitator of this process;

V – implement intersectoral and social actions, guided by the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS); VI - professional performance, articulated with public policies and with scientific and technological development, to meet social needs;

VII – adopt health care, with special attention to management, technology and innovation as structural elements of training;

VIII – encourage decision-making based on critical and contextualized analysis of scientific evidence, active listening to the individual, family and community;

IX – encourage leadership, ethics, entrepreneurship, respect, commitment, commitment, responsibility, empathy, management and execution of actions, guided by interaction, participation and dialogue;

X – assume the commitment to the care and defense of the integral health of the human being, taking into account socioeconomic, political, cultural, environmental, ethnic-racial, gender, sexual orientation, society needs, as well as regional characteristics;

XI – promote professional training that enables them to intervene in the resolution of individual, family and community health problems;

XII – to promote pharmaceutical assistance, using medication and other technologies as instruments for the prevention of diseases, promotion, protection and health recovery;

XIII – foster the incorporation of information and communication technologies in their different forms, with applicability in interpersonal relationships, guided by interaction, participation and dialogue, with a view to the well-being of the individual, the family and the community;

XIV – to encourage permanent and continuing education, responsible and committed to their own training, stimulating development, academic-professional mobility, cooperation and professional training, through national and international networks.


  • Ensuring the formation of a Pharmacist sensitized to the principles of the SUS, capable of intervening in the population's health conditions, both individually and collectively, evaluating, diagnosing, developing, preventing, educating, treating and recovering functions and/or dysfunctions.

  • Encourage ethical and political behavior, making students aware of their rights and duties to society, aware of the importance of their role in promoting health and preserving the ecosystem, forming ethical, professionally competent, creative and supportive citizens.

  • Encourage research and scientific production, the result of experiences in extension projects and/or internship fields, thus contributing to the transformation of social reality, through the generation of new knowledge and critical analysis of reality.

  • Favor the critical analysis of the history of the profession, its correlation with the history of health in the country and the world, thus instigating the awareness that in each period, different subjects participate in the process of historical construction of a profession, and why not to say, of a nation.

The Pharmacy Course at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré, in accordance with Resolution No. 6 of October 19, 2017, which institutes the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Undergraduate Course in Pharmacy, was designed to train a professional with skills in:

I - Health Care;

II - Technology and Innovation in Health;

III - Health Management.

IV - investigation of risks related to patient safety, aiming at the development of preventive and corrective actions;

V - identification of alert situations for referral to another professional or health service, acting in a way that preserves the patient's health and integrity;

VI - planning, coordinating and carrying out situational health diagnosis, based on epidemiological, demographic, pharmacological, economic, clinical, laboratory and socioeconomic studies, in addition to other technical, scientific and social investigations, recognizing national characteristics, regional and local;

VII - elaboration and application of a pharmaceutical care plan, agreed with the patient and/or caregiver, and articulated with the interprofessional health team, with monitoring of its evolution;

VIII - prescription of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies and other interventions related to health care, according to specific legislation, within the scope of their professional competence;

IX - drug dispensing, considering access and its safe and rational use;

X - health tracking, health education, management of self-limited health problems, therapeutic medication monitoring, medication reconciliation, pharmacotherapy review, pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, clinic management, among other pharmaceutical services;

XI - clarification to the individual, and, when necessary, to their caregiver, about the health condition, treatment, clinical and laboratory tests and other aspects related to the care process;

XII - search, selection, organization, interpretation and dissemination of information that guide decision-making based on scientific evidence, in line with health policies;

XIII - health promotion and education, involving the individual, the family and the community, identifying learning needs and promoting educational actions;

XIV - performance and interpretation of clinical, laboratory and toxicological tests, for the purpose of complementing diagnosis and prognosis;

XV - prescription, guidance, application and monitoring, aiming at the proper use of cosmetics and other health products, according to specific legislation, within the scope of their professional competence;

XVI - guidance on the safe and rational use of health-related foods, including parenteral and enteral foods, as well as food supplements and herbal medicinal plants with proven efficacy;

XVII - prescription, application and monitoring of integrative and complementary practices, in accordance with public health policies and current legislation.

Course Authorization:  AUTHORIZED by MEC Ordinance No. ORDINANCE No. 500, OF NOVEMBER 26, 2020

Title:  Bachelor of Pharmacy or Pharmacist

Knowledge area:  Health Sciences - Area 403000005 - CNPQ

Duration:  5 years - 10 semesters

Vacancies:  100 (one hundred) students annually

Workload:  4420 hours

Time course:  day (complementary and practical activities) and night 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm (classroom and laboratory activities) and full for internships.

Curricular structure

Dados do Coordenador

Igo Pinheiro Lopes e Souza

Graduado em Farmácia, Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela Universidade Federal do Espírito.
Atua há mais de 10 anos na Farmácia Magistral, no departamento técnico, com foco no estudo de estabilidade das formulações magistrais, em especial, nos tratamentos direcionados a dermatologia clínica e estética.

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