Comissão Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes e Assédio (CIPA) | Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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It is a body established by the board of the Faculdade Vale do Cricaré, based on the Ordinance  nº 2,051, of July 9, 2004, composed of all sectors of the academic community, which includes professors, students, technical-administrative employees and representatives of organized civil society.


The main purpose of the CPA is to implement the internal process of evaluating the faculty, in addition to systematizing and providing the information requested by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Higher Education (CONAES). The CPA verifies the Institution's positive and negative points. Improves the capacity of the faculty and technical-administrative staff. Promotes the evaluation and creation of programs, projects and institutional improvements. Its purpose is constructive and formative, in addition to helping decision-making and strategic planning at the IES.

What is institutional assessment?

Institutional assessment is one of the components of the National System of Assessment of Higher Education SINAES.

Documents | Reports




CPA Methodology


 Institutional Evaluation Results


CPA Composition Ordinance

Âncora 1
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