Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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Promote differentiated actions in teaching, research and extension, contributing to the formation of human resources, based on ethical values and citizenship, experiencing a renewed vision of the world and active critical thinking about man and the regional reality.

The Degree course in Pedagogy at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré – will have its actions guided by the following objectives:

  • To train, according to contemporary theories, concepts, methods and techniques, teachers to exercise teaching functions in Early Childhood Education and in the early years of Elementary School, in Inclusive Education: Special Education, Youth and Adults, Education and Movements and NGOs, in the area services and school support and in other areas in which pedagogical knowledge is foreseen.

  • To train teachers capable of effectively participating in the process of organizing and managing educational systems and institutions, including:

  1. Planning, execution, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of tasks specific to the Education sector;

  2. Planning, execution, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of projects and non-school educational experiences;

  3. Production and dissemination of scientific-technological knowledge in the educational field, in school and non-school contexts.

  • Contribute to the development of Education, through the study of research, and the application of knowledge produced in the course;

  • Contribute to the advancement of the process of economic, political, social and cultural development in the region that constitutes the area covered by Faculdade Vale do Cricaré

The graduate of the Pedagogy Course at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré must be a professional who, depending on their qualification, is able to:

  • Act with ethics and commitment with a view to building a fair, equitable, egalitarian society;

  • Understand, care for and educate children from zero to five years old, in order to contribute to their development in the dimensions, among others, physical, psychological, intellectual, social;

  • Strengthen the development and learning of elementary school children, as well as those who did not have their own schooling opportunities;

  • To work, in school and non-school spaces, in promoting the learning of subjects at different stages of human development, at different levels and modalities of the educational process;

  • Recognize and respect the physical, cognitive, emotional, emotional manifestations and needs of students in their individual and collective relationships;

  • Teach Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Arts, Physical Education, in an interdisciplinary manner and appropriate to the different stages of human development;

  • Relate the languages of the media to education, in the didactic-pedagogical processes, demonstrating mastery of information and communication technologies suitable for the development of meaningful learning;

  • Promote and facilitate cooperative relationships between the educational institution, the family and the community;

  • Identify sociocultural and educational problems with an investigative, integrative and propositional posture in the face of complex realities, with a view to contributing to overcoming social, ethnic-racial, economic, cultural, religious, political and other exclusions;

  • Demonstrate awareness of diversity, respecting differences of environmental-ecological, ethnic-racial, gender, generational, social classes, religions, special needs, sexual choices, among others;

  • Develop teamwork, establishing dialogue between the educational area and other areas of knowledge;

  • Participate in the management of institutions contributing to the preparation, implementation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the pedagogical project;

  • Participate in the management of institutions by planning, executing, monitoring and evaluating educational projects and programs, in school and non-school environments;

  • Conduct research that provides knowledge, among others: about students and the sociocultural reality in which they develop their non-school experiences; about teaching and learning processes in different environmental-ecological environments; about curricular proposals; and on the organization of educational work and pedagogical practices;

  • Properly use their own instruments to build pedagogical and scientific knowledge;

  • Study, critically apply the curricular guidelines and other legal determinations that it is responsible for implementing, executing, evaluating and forwarding the result of their assessment to the competent authorities;

  • Promote dialogue between knowledge, values, ways of life, philosophical, political and religious orientations typical of the culture of quilombo remnants or specific ethnic groups and cultures;

  • Acting as an intercultural agent, with a view to valuing and studying themes related to remnants of quilombos or specific ethnicities and cultures.

Course Authorization:  Recognized by MEC Ordinance No. 224 of 07/04/2014,  Published in the DOU of 04/08/2014.

Title: Degree
Area of knowledge: Education
Duration: 4 years
Vacancies: 100
Hours: 3,100 hours
Period: Morning / Evening

Curricular structure

foto pessoal, versão Educação - Pedagogi

Coordinator Data

José Roberto Gonçalves de Abreu

Doctor in Physical Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2020), holds a Bachelor's degree (1996), Specialization(1999) and a Master's(2009) in Physical Education from the same institution. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy from Estácio de Sá University (2005), Specialist in Sports Training - UFES, Specialist in Primary Health Care - APS - SESA (2010), Specialist in Hospital Physiotherapy - Pneumo-functional (UNESC - 2009). Organizer of the book Physical Education and Regional Development, currently coordinates the following courses: Degree in Physical Education, Degree in Physiotherapy, Degree in Pedagogy, Degree in History at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré. At the same IES, he integrates the Faculty of the Master's Program in Science, Technology and Education at FVC. Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo - IFES, São Mateus campus. He was Municipal Health Undersecretary in 2012 and Municipal Education Secretary of the city of São Mateus from 2013 to 2016. He works as a Physiotherapist at the Hospital Meridional de São Mateus, INEP/MEC evaluator and is part of the Education Commission of the Regional Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy in Espírito Santo - Crefito 15 and Coffito.  



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